Up to £500 Various 12 Bore/gauge Single Trigger Ejector Shotguns For Sale in Worcester | Severnside Arms |

3 items
Rizzini emilo Over and Under Single Trigger Ejector  12 Bore/gauge  Over and under

Rizzini emilo Over and Under Single Trigger Ejector 12 Bore/gauge Over and under

£ 195

12 Bore Emilio Rizzini Over and Under Single Trigger Ejector Shotgun in good condition with 30" Barrels

Sarasqueta, Felix, Over & Under 12 Bore/gauge  Over and under

Sarasqueta, Felix, Over & Under 12 Bore/gauge Over and under

£ 195

12 Bore Felix Sarasqueta Over & Under Single Trigger Ejector Shotgun in good overall condition

Dynamit Nobel Rottweil 12 Bore/gauge  Semi-Auto

Dynamit Nobel Rottweil 12 Bore/gauge Semi-Auto

£ 90

12 Bore Dynamit Nobel Rottweil Self Loading Shotgun restricted to three shot in good condition for age and good working order