.22 Firearm - Section 1 Rifles For Sale in Worcester | Severnside Arms |

7 items
Smith & Wesson 15/22 Semi-Auto .22  Rifles

Smith & Wesson 15/22 Semi-Auto .22 Rifles

£ 875

.22 Smith & Wesson Model 15/22 Self Loading Rifle complete with a Hawke 3-9 x 40 Scope fitted on a solid UTG Mount, it also comes with adjustable Iron Sights - 1 x 10 Shot Magazine, 2 x 25 Shot…

BRNO Model 2 Bolt Action .22  Rifles

BRNO Model 2 Bolt Action .22 Rifles

£ 225

.22 BRNO Bolt Action Model 2 Rifle Proof Marked 1957 with iron sights and a nicely figured stock. Very accurate rifle in very good condition.

Anschutz Model 525 Semi-Auto .22  Rifles

Anschutz Model 525 Semi-Auto .22 Rifles

£ 125

.22 Anschutz Model 525 Self Loading Rifle in excellent Condition

Ruger 77/22 Bolt Action Rifle Bolt Action .22  Rifles

Ruger 77/22 Bolt Action Rifle Bolt Action .22 Rifles

£ 150

.22 Ruger 77/22 Bolt Action Rifle in good condition in Stainless Steel with a Black Synthetic Stock and fitted with a Sound Moderator and a 3-9 x 40 scope

CZ  - Ceska Zbrojovka 452 Left Handed Bolt Action .22  Rifles

CZ - Ceska Zbrojovka 452 Left Handed Bolt Action .22 Rifles

£ 245

.22 CZ452 Bolt Action Rifle with Left Hand Stock and bolt with 17" Barrel in very good condition and screw cut for sound moderator

CZ  - Ceska Zbrojovka 452 with Stutzen Stock Bolt Action .22  Rifles

CZ - Ceska Zbrojovka 452 with Stutzen Stock Bolt Action .22 Rifles

£ 440

.22 CZ Model 452 Bolt Action Rifle with Stutzen Stock and fitted with a Bushnell Ledgend 5-15 x 40 scope, comes with two magazines. This gun is in excellent condition, with a beautifully figured…

Sidna 22M23 Semi-Auto .22  Rifles

Sidna 22M23 Semi-Auto .22 Rifles

£ 245

.22 A Very Rare French Sidna Model 22M3 Stutzen Stocked Take Down Self Loading Rifle Screw Cut for Sound moderator, in very good condition with Blade and Ramp Sights and a 10 round Magazine